1.     Install low flow toilets in your home. If that is not possible, follow this eco-friendly rule: “If it’s yellow, let it mellow.  If it’s brown, flush it down.”

2.     Install low flow shower heads and take shorter showers.

3.     Replace your grass lawns with drought tolerant landscaping.

4.     Turn off your sprinkler system if it has rained or if there is rain in the forecast.

5.     Have your pipes checked and fix all leaks.

6.     Don’t let the water run while you are shaving, brushing your teeth, or washing your face.

7.     Only use your dish/clothes washer when you have a full load.

8.     Insulate your water pipes. You will get hot water faster so that you don’t waste water while it heats up.

9.     Install flow restrictors on all household faucets.

10.  Store drinking water in the refrigerator so that you don’t have to run water to get it cool.

11.  Never put water down the drain that could be used for something else such as gardening or cleaning.

12.   When washing your dishes, fill up the sink instead of running water throughout the entire process.

13.  Collect shower water in a large bucket as you wait for the water to heat.


1. Reach out and join a local water conservation or activist group. Most major communities have a water organization with resources and periodic events.

2. Start a letter writing campaign to inform your local government officials about the places or organizations in your city that could improve with their water use. Be sure to include specific reduction methods.

3. Start a #Hashtag conversation on Twitter that sports information about the increasing need for water both locally and internationally.

4. Set up tables or booths at local farmer's markets or other public gatherings with informational flyers and prize giveaways.

5. Sponsor assemblies in local schools that explain the need to use less water.

6.  Arrange a river or park clean up with t-shirts or posters explaining the necessity of keeping water and land free of contamination.

7. Host water conservation parties where you only use the proper daily allotment of water in your preparations. Also include demonstrations of how to carry out every day activities with less water.

8. Start a water bottle drive at your church or school and collect bottles to send to those in your community that lack the means to acquire clean water.

9. Compose and arrange water conservation themed songs and upload them for purchase on a website or through iTunes.

10. Film your own water conservation PSA and approach your local TV affiliates about donating the air time during lower demand periods.

11. Organize a flash mob with a water conservation theme in front of your local government building or public space.

12. Create your own environmental issue themed television show for your local public service TV station